My mind is far too curious; always rambling from one thing to another and so I cannot dedicate this blog to any one subject. Therefore, I bring you my everything. All writings are subject to change as I see fit. I am always learning and improving, therefore some works are worthy of re-editing and some are simply works I've moved too far beyond.


A lot's changed

It's clear to me that purging is necessary and so I give you this: two unnecessarily long and elaborate mixes it's taken me months to fine tune. I thought it was finished (this one mix which has since evolved into two) on August 31st of 2011 and it was on that day that everything in my life changed. And so therefore, this mix I felt had something much more significant underlying and I had to let it breathe so I gave it a Siamese counterpart. Each dealing in some way with an aspect of this radical threshold I'm still coming to terms with. I really can't say that anybody but myself is meant to enjoy them (and anybody who knows me knows just how private I am about these things) but it's therapeutic nonetheless. I'm including no track titles or artists because that destroys the journey. These are meant for long bus rides or as a soundtrack to a much overdue walk with minimal disruption and you won't find dance beats here, sorry ya'll.
These are very much soundtracks, both figuratively and literally, I've taken a liking to dissecting and reassembling for my own dastardly dramatic purposes. To each their part, I've also taken a keen interest in Worldly genres that I felt contributed to the many facets of my ideas and you can't deny these sorts of impregnable sounds once they've taken hold. And so, with no further ado:

The Wrath of God (Part 1):

Skull Incisions (Part 2):

and PS, this is all very likely to change. I'm never satisfied with my work. Sorry...
PPS, as I warned, there were small details that needed tweaking in Part 2, but alas! There it is!
PPPS, reworked Skull Incisions and I'm very pleased with the outcome.

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